
Exercise aids the cognitive development of children born preterm

Written by | 11 May 2021

A premature start in life can cause problems even into teenage years. A study by the University of Basel and the University Children’s Hospital Basel (UKBB) indicates that […]

Treatment found to improve cognitive function in patients with fragile X syndrome

Written by | 5 May 2021

An experimental treatment produced improvements in cognitive function and language in patients with fragile X syndrome, according to study results published on April 29 in Nature Medicine. Fragile X […]

Metformin appears to slow cognitive decline in Type 2 Diabetes

Written by | 10 Oct 2020

Treatment of Type 2 diabetes with metformin appears to inhibit cognitive decline and development of dementia in older patients, researchers reported on Sept. 23, 2020 in Diabetes Care. “We’ve […]

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